Title: She Wins, You Win
Author: Gail Evans
Year of Publication: 2003
Publisher: Gotham Books, United States of America.
Reviewer: Ada Amogu
New York Times Business Bestseller in her book believes that the success of one woman increase the chances of another woman succeeding in business and also believes that failure of one woman in business increases the chances of failure in business of another woman.
Gail Evans proposed a game plan for women in business and laid out strategies for changing a losing dynamic into a win for all women.
The author gives women practicable tips on how to succeed in what has been categorized as ‘the men’s world’. Some of the tips mentioned in her 190 paged book include the need for women to support each other i.e. women need to know how to take care of each other and look out for each other on the way up. She states the importance of staying together and banding as a team. She believes that once the rule is understood women will rule the business world.
In her book, Gail Evans shares tips for women teams from her experience as the CNN first female Vice-President and also the challenges that the team would face and how they can be overcome.
Gail Evans gives career women tactics and strategies needed to make them productive and successful in the corporate world of business. It is definitely a must read for the 21st century working woman!
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