Title: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author: Stephen R. Covey
Year of Publication: 2004
Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Australia, Sydney.
Reviewer: Ada Amogu
The 7 Habits of Effective People embodies many of the fundamental principles of human effectiveness. These habits are basic and primary. They represent the internalization of correct principles upon which enduring happiness and success are based on.
Stephen Covey begins by illustrating the most common human challenges faced which are fear and insecurity, “I want it now”, blame and victimism, hopelessness, lack of life balance, “what’s in for me”, the hunger to be understood, conflict and differences and personal stagnation.
The author uses life stories based on his family, social and work experiences in writing this book which simplifies and makes this book understandable and it also makes it easier for the reader to relate to the contents of the book.
Models and tables were used to illustrate and breakdown behaviours, habits and principles for visual grasping and easy understanding.
Stephen Covey says that ’The 7habits’ are habits of effectiveness and they include the following: Be Proactive, Begin With the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win/Win, Seek First to Understand, Synergize and Sharpen the Saw and the habits are governed by principles that work hand in hand.
At end of each part, application of the habits is suggested. Instances and tasks are suggested on how the habits can be applied into daily living. Stephen Covey also writes an Afterword: Question I Am Often Asked at the end of the book.
Stephen Covey provides information that makes one stand out in a crowd and gives one an edge over people and also makes everyday living easy to go through.
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